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Group Work Policy
Kasarah Kaushal avatar
Written by Kasarah Kaushal
Updated over a week ago

WorldQuant University’s commitment is to provide high-quality education and an excellent learning experience to all students. This Group Work Policy has been designed to protect you from an environment in which your investment of time and hard work may be compromised.

Throughout the duration of this course, you are expected to:

  1. Actively contribute to the completion of the Group Work Project with your peers

  2. Adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity for your contribution

  3. Communicate with your peers in a respectful and professional manner in the Group Discussion forum and/or in any other communication channel of your choice

If unusual circumstances prevent you from dedicating sufficient time to study and to effectively collaborate with your peers, consider taking a Leave of Absence before the course starts or canceling/withdrawing from the course after it begins. You can read more about the attendance policy here.

1. Non-contributors

If you are unable to make contact with a group member after multiple attempts of reaching out, please complete the following steps:

  1. Report their non-contribution on the first page of the template provided for your report

  2. Give a 0 to the non-contributor as their collaboration grade

  3. Report the non-contributor to Student Support via the chatbot if you are left working alone

2. Academic Integrity Violations

Failure to adhere to the highest academic integrity standards and to actively communicate and collaborate with group members in a timely manner are considered serious violations of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Violations reported to the University will be investigated and may result in probation, course failure or program termination.

For more information and best practices for group collaboration, please refer to the Group Collaboration section of the Help Center.

3. Student Code of Conduct Violations

WorldQuant University provides each group with an official Group Discussion forum to facilitate communication and collaboration among group members on the Learning Platform. If your group chooses to use an external communication channel (i.e., WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, etc.), all participants must continue to communicate in the same professional, respectful, and ethical manner as it would be expected in the University’s official Group Discussion forum. Any unprofessional or offensive conduct reported to the University by any group members will be investigated as a possible violation of the Student Code of Conduct and can result in probation, course failure, or program termination.

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