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How can I apply?
Anne Elbert avatar
Written by Anne Elbert
Updated over 3 months ago

The application process at WorldQuant University is fully online and easy to follow. Before you get started, be sure to familiarize yourself with requirements for admission.

If you are new to WQU and are ready to create an account use this link to sign up:

If you have an existing WQU account, you can go to the Program Selection page which is always available under your name in the top right of the learning platform. Here is a direct

If the “Apply” button is greyed out, this means you already clicked the “Apply” button previously. Simply return to “My courses” and then “Continue application” to proceed. Here is a direct link:

Upon acceptance, you will be enrolled in an Orientation course specific to the program you applied for. Completing the Orientation course is required to register for your first course in the MScFE program or one of the Projects in a Lab.

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